Well I haven't been up to much this lock down, but at least I've been able to connect with some of Room 6. Anyway Whaea Pare asked our class to report on our first two weeks of lockdown.
So here's what I've been thinking about. I am so looking forward to going back to kura. Although the best thing about lock down is that I can sleep whenever I want to. No getting up early to get to school on time. but I still want to go to kura. It's hard not being able to see other whanau and friends too. Staying home is so boring.
Thank god we have wifi. We've been learning about money and business, but whaea Pare is thinking of leaving that until we return to school because it's easier to talk about it in class with each other. Instead we're doing an online money course. There's different modules. I've done earnings savings, and interest. We meet with the class on google meets just so whaea can see if we are ok.